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Dein gewünschter Spitzname. Maria Montessori was born in and was the first woman to be granted a medical degree by an Italian university. Influenced by the work bekanntschaften emden Seguin and Itard bekanntschaften emden France, Montessori designed materials and techniques that allowed children to work in areas previously considered beyond their capacity.
She developed an approach that acknowledged the bekanntschaften emden six years of life to be the most important in human development. Montessori discovered that during these early years children have an amazing capacity to absorb knowledge from their surroundings, bekanntschaften emden. Children teach themselves! This is the underlying theme that Montessori stresses throughout her philosophy of early childhood education.
Montessori saw in the child a natural desire to work and learn. She emphasized that the hand is the chief bekanntschaften emden of the child. In order to learn, there must be concentration, and the best way a child can concentrate is by fixing his attention on some task he is performing with his hands. All the unique Montessori materials in a classroom allow the child to reinforce his casual impressions by inviting him to use his hands for learning.
Another observation of Dr. These are periods of intense fascination for learning a particular characteristic or skill. Montessori-based classrooms take advantage of this fact by allowing the child freedom to bekanntschaften emden individual activities which bekanntschaften emden to his or her own period of interest.
Dedicated to the Montessori method, South Bay Montessori School implements these unique Montessori characteristics as part of our everyday curriculum. Home About Us Programs Admissions News and Events Careers Contact Home About Us Programs Admissions News and Events Careers Contact.
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Three-Year Cycle — A mixed age-grouping revolves around a three-year cycle, providing children an opportunity to learn from each other, to act as role models for learning, and to respond to their natural drive to work. This stimulating, cooperative atmosphere allows the children to develop at their individual rate over the three-year period, and to take each subject of study to a deeper level of understanding with each year.
Sensitive Periods — Applying her expertise in neuroscience, Dr. Montessori was the first to design an educational system that recognizes that there are certain times that are optimal for a bekanntschaften emden to develop a particular skill, bekanntschaften emden.
Prepared Environment — Designed with the child in mind, the learning environment is beautiful, child-sized, and thoughtfully arranged. This includes a full array of developmentally bekanntschaften emden activities and uniquely designed materials that intrigue children at each evolving sensitive period, bekanntschaften emden. The outdoor environment stimulates interaction with the natural bekanntschaften emden while planting the seeds for scientific inquiry.
Materials — Montessori-designed educational materials and teacher-developed activities encourage sensory exploration of the world. They help children develop concentration, observation, and assessment skills.
The use of self-correcting materials promotes independent learning, while the sequential order advancing in degree of difficulty and abstraction encourages children to reach higher levels of learning. Independence — All materials and activities are designed to inspire age-appropriate independence, creating a small society of capable, independent learners working together, bekanntschaften emden.
During sensitive periods of development, the teacher provides direct instruction. After that, the child begins to work with the materials independently. Teachers as Observers — Through observation and attention to sensitive periods of development, teachers guide each child through the curriculum by introducing concepts and materials in individual and small-group lessons. Children are then encouraged to practice and refine skills through repetition.
Introduction of new challenges occurs when the child is ready to progress to the next phase of learning.
As children grow at their own pace, consecutive lessons are presented and additional materials are used to explore ideas more intensely.
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